Happy Independence Day!

Like many companies in this business, Melfred Borzall was born right here in the United States. We’re dedicated to developing HDD tools and innovation used by drillers to literally build the framework of America. As a proud American company, we thought we’d take the opportunity on this patriotic holiday to share a few of the ways we show it.

100% U.S. Made

For the past 71 years–the entire lifespan of our company–we have specifically required that all our raw materials come from the United States. That means we use steel mined here in the U.S., purchased directly from American steel mills.

It used to be that the U.S. didn’t import steel at all–America was the exporter. So, when we first got into the business we had no choice but to use American-made steel. It wasn’t until the 1960s or ‘70s that new trade deals opened up the market to foreign steel manufacturers. But our company never stopped using American metals.


For us, quality wins over price every time. I can’t comment with any certainty on the quality of foreign steel­–because we’ve never used it at Melfred Borzall. However, I am sure that the American-made steel we use is among the top-performing steel that has ever been manufactured. We realize the rigorous conditions that HDD tooling must hold up to. And if a tool fails due to inferior steel, it can mean the difference between a successful install and a failure. We believe that failure should never be an option. 

American Ingenuity

Not only were the fundamentals of HDD developed in 1946 by my father, Fred Melsheimer, but Melfred Borzall continues to this day to tap the bright minds in the local engineering talent pool for our research & development. Due to our close proximity to the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo University, we offer internships for engineering students and extend job offers to recent graduates who exhibit intelligence, ingenuity, and professionalism. Their fresh ideas, creative thinking, and strong academic backgrounds fit right in with our reputation for constant innovation, not just in our designs, but our manufacturing, logistics, and operations processes.

This Land Is Your Land

We’re committed to doing our part to protect the environment. We’re proud that we’ve installed over 1,000 solar panels that power about 75% of our plant’s electricity needs. We’ve swapped out overhead lights with skylights where possible to take advantage of the southern California sunshine for illumination in our offices and production spaces. The business also acquired two fully electric cars and we charge them at one of the plug-in stations in our parking lot. We’re proud to showcase these advancements in efficiency and environmental responsibility. If you’re wondering how your operation can do the same, give us a call and we’ll be glad to share what’s worked for us.

As a proud American company, we say thank you to all the distributors, manufacturers, drillers and their families who support our success. We hope you all have a safe and fun Independence Day. And we look forward to working together and doing our part to continue to advance the infrastructure of this great country we all call home.